Friday, May 21, 2010

What is the name of that delicious Dominican dish?

It looked like red egg salad. I had gone to a pot luck and some girl made it with boiled eggs, red beets, mayo (avocado...i think??) and some taro or yucca type of root plant that they use over there. This was so delicious!! Can someone tell me what it is and how to make it?


What is the name of that delicious Dominican dish?
Ensalada rusa ("Russian" potato salad)


Ensalada Rusa is Dominican's favorite salad. It is usually served on special occasions and is a traditional component of the Christmas dinner. Depending on taste and on the ocassion different versions of this salad may be served. Two common versions are the one that includes beets and another with apples. This last one is the one served for Christmas.

Time: 30 Mins

Difficulty: Eas

Serve: 6 people

Before starting to cook: No prior preparation is necessary.


1lb of potatoes

1/2 lb or carrots

1/2 cup of sweet corn

1/2 cup mayonnaise

1/2 cup of peas

1 apple diced into small cubes (optional)

1 medium beet (optional)

1 medium red onion

3 eggs



Boil the potatoes, carrots and eggs. Boil the beet in a different pot (do not use beet if you are going to use apple). Peel and dice into small cubes.

Mix in the rest of the ingredients. Adjust salt to taste. Serve chilled.

There are infinite variations on the basic theme that can be a very tasty. Just what is actually in the salad seems to be determined in many cases by what happens to be in the pantry. Corn and/or peas are common as the canned variety are fairly inexpensive and readily available. Other alternate ingredients that I've enjoyed in an ensalada rusa are auyama (squash), tayota (chayote), batata (sweet potato), and nabo (turnip). Depending upon ingredients, one can liven it up a bit seasoning to taste with black pepper, or cayenne pepper, or mustard powder though this is the norte americano in me coming out rather than anything Dominican.
Reply:this one?

Ensalada de aguacate (Avocado salad)


This is a very delicious option for a side dish, and although not the most appropriate salad if you are watching your weight the fat in it comes from the healthiest sources.

Time: 10 Mins

Difficulty: Easy

Serve: 4 people

Before starting to cook: No prior preparation is necessary.


2 avocados

2 teaspoons of fruit vinegar

2 teaspoons of olive oil

1 small red pepper cut into small cubes (optional)

1/2 small red onions cut into strips (optional)

Salt and pepper


Mix the vinegar and oil. Marinate the onion and pepper in this mix for about an hour.

Peel and cut the avocados into slices and mix with the onions and pepper. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Stuffed Avocado Salad


1 tomatoe

-salad cream

2 avocado pears

1 medium cucumber

1 head of lettuce

2 hard boiled eggs

2 ounces of grated cheese

-pepper and salt to taste

2 tablespoons of lime juice

2 tablespoons of chopped nuts

4 ouces of peas or cooked beans

2 tablespoons of sour or sweet



First wash the lettuce then place in a covered

bowl and let it chill in the frige, strain the

peas from the stock.

Wash and slice cucumber and add salt to taste.

Cut the avocado pears length-wise and peel off


Place avocados in a bowl and sprinkle with lime

juice. Cover. Mix together pickle, cheese, peas

and the season for stuffing. Fill in hollows of


Place 2 wedges of the tomatoes in each half and

Arrange on a bed of lettuce.

Finally, lay cucumber slices of hard boiled eggs

on dish around avocados and dot with salad cream

and then sprinkle with the chopped nuts.

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